Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green Have Joined the Ranks of Exes

von Natalie Finn |  Natalie Finn 5. Oktober 2015 – 17:25

Demi Moore and Bruce Willis proved it could be done and, even to this day, they may have set an unattainable gold standard.

Then Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin proved it could be done in the Twitter age. And Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck appear to be doing their best to be part of the club.

And if even Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa could make it happen, and they said some nasty things about each other… Why not Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green?!

Big celebrity breakups

We’re talking about exes who look just as happy to be around each other as they ever did when they were married, not least because they presumably had to bounce back from time spent together that was unhappy enough to prompt a split in the first place.

Like the aforementioned pairs, Fox and Green seem to really be getting along since it was revealed on Aug. 19 that they had split and Fox filed for divorce on Aug. 21. And it turns out that last week’s sighting was no fluke.

The former couple of 11 years, five of which they spent as husband and wife, were spotted out with their eldest son, Noah, and Green’s parents, a surprise at the time because Green’s response to Fox’s divorce petition had requested spousal support. They’ll never speak again without the help of their lawyers, the cynics thought.

READ: Signs Megan Fox & Brian Austin Green wouldn’t stay married forever

But maybe that was just one of those business-legalese things, because there they were, multiple generations of family together.

Sure, they could just be rallying for the kids, because that’s their job as mature grownups and parents. The children come first, and Mom and Dad just need to deal.

But sources have filled E! News in on two sightings from over the weekend: a family trip to the playground on Sunday, ride on the seesaw included, and a movie night without the kids on Saturday evening. In fact, one eyewitness says that Green had his arm around Fox in the concessions line before they caught a screening of Sicario at an L.A.-area theater.

Brian Austin Green and Megan Fox’s romance rewind

There’s been no word back yet from their reps to shed any official light on their current state of affairs.

It may not have been a movie-date night, but why shouldn’t they feel totally comfortable enough to be familiarly affectionate and act somewhat as they always have?

They spent all those years being the best of friends—as did fellow long-term mates and parents of young children Gwyneth and Chris, Jen and Ben, Demi and Bruce (well, their girls were young when they split in 2000)—so it really should be the rule and not the exception when these friendly exes proceed with their old routines.

Here’s hoping all involved continue to get what they need, both from each other and from the breakup.

Friendly celebrity exes

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