With the world’s entertainment industry being typically left-leaning, it may come as no surprise that the international industry reacted in awe after Donald Trump’s stun win early on Wednesday morning.

Harry Potter scribe J.K. Rowling urged her Twitter followers to continue to “challenge racism, misogyny and hatred” and to “stand together.”

Moon and Source Code director Duncan Jones quipped “at least Trump won’t use his new powers to get even with those who have offended him” with a picture of Game of Thrones villain Joffrey Baratheon sitting on the iron throne. He also joked: “Hey Christians, I know we haven’t talked in a while, but remind me how that whole anti-Christ story goes again. You may be on to something.”

Director Edgar Wright said watching the results flood in felt like watching the beginning of an “overlong” Saturday Night Live sketch. He tweeted a picture of a Donald Trump-shaped cake saying, “The irony is that this cake has as much qualification to be president as Trump.”

Controversial right-wing TV presenter and ex-editor of UK tabloid The Daily Mirror Piers Morgan unsurprisingly tweeted his elation for the win of Trump, whom he calls a “friend.” He said he would consider running for UK Prime Minister to restore the “special relationship” between the US and UK.

U.S. actress Elizabeth Banks retweeted a statement from Stats Britain, that said: “100% of Britons just woke up and vomited” and comedian Sarah Silverman tweeted “When do we start googling ‘What is Brexit?’”

Actress Christina Applegate echoed the global sentiments of many Brits post-Brexit earlier this year when she tweeted to her “fellow humans outside of the U.S.” how disappointed she was with the news:

Comedian Stephen Merchant said he didn’t feel safe, even as a “rich, white, straight, Anglo-Saxon male.”

Matt Lucas joked:

And James Corden, one of America’s favorite UK exports now, likened the whole situation to when the UK opted to leave the European Union this summer.

Bollywood mega-producer Karan Johar tweeted:

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