“I watch you,” Bill Clinton told The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah as he guested on the show tonight. “I’m one of your older demographics,” he said.

Noah responded, lamely, that he thought Clinton was 18-34, which happens to be his target demo.

“I don’t even think that when I look in the mirror,’ Clinton joked – a reference to Donald Trump having told Dr. Oz, that morning on his show, that when he looks in the mirror he sees a 35 year old man.

Noah asked solicitously how Dem presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is feeling on her first day back campaigning, after taking a few days off when she appeared to nearly faint during a service at the 9/11 memorial in Manhattan. Her husband again downplayed the incident, reporting she was great and adding, “big deal, she had pneumonia. People get it all the time,” including, he noted, someone at a recent rally President Obama held in Philly on Hillary Clinton’s behalf – an incident caught by cable news networks covering that Obama speech.

Noah, a South African who is experiencing first-hand his first American presidential campaign, remarked it is “turning into one of the uglier campaigns” with its “hateful rhetoric.”

The former POTUS disagreed, explaining that, for most of his life each political party had a 40% base and 20% that were “genuinely up for grabs.” But, by the time Al Gore ran against George W. Bush, “it was probably down to 10%” and today “it may be down to less than that.”

And that is because, he said, “We’re getting siloed by the TV we watch and the web sites we scan.”

“America has come so far. We’re less racist, less sexist, less homophobic and anti specific religions than we used to be,” Clinton insisted. “We have one remaining bigotry: we don’t want to be around anyone who disagrees with us.”

Noah, undaunted, told Clinton one of the “biggest themes” of the campaign is the question: “Do you want more of same, or an outsider, a man who doesn’t believe in logic and ideas; someone who thinks differently.”

Clinton laughed. “That’s factually accurate,” he conceded.

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