This Wrestler Fanatic Pinned Down The Perfect Wedding Entrance

WWE fans are bound to cheer for this smackdown of marital bliss.

In this corner…

The Groom: A diehard wrestling fan with reckless abandon for his own wedding. Channeling pro-wrestler Ric Flair in a bedazzled robe and gold title belt. Ready to bust down the aisle and bodyslam his way into married life.

Please welcome, Jaaaames Woooooten.

And in this corner….

The Bride: Not present for the entrance. Left in the dark about the stunt until a groomsman showed her the video later. Apparently a good sport about all the WeddingMania, according to Wooten’s YouTube page.  

Fight on, James Wooten. We bet the real Ric Flair would be proud.  

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