| Jenna Mullins 15. Juli 2015 – 10:35
Do you have a cat? Do you have a hairball that your cat recently puked up that got covered in more hair and now resembles a blob of putrid waste? Take that vomit-covered hairball that looks better than what Donald Trump has on his fat head, put it on your cat and voila! You just Trumped your cat!*
*Please do not put vomit on your cat’s head.
Cat owners are giving their furry friends the Donald Trump treatment by making up little ridiculous wigs and joining the #TrumpYourCat movement. And we got to say, after listening to Mr. Trump talk out of his you-know-what for several weeks, we’re 100 percent certain we would rather vote for a cat in a Donald Trump wig than the real thing.
READ: About that time Donald Trump used Nazi imagery in a campaign tweet…
The TrumpYourCat Instagram even has steps to Trump-ify your cat. All you have to do is brush your cat, pull the hair off the comb, ball it up into a mess and plop it on the head of your kitty. You know, pretty much how Donald Trump does his hair in the morning.
Along with these breathtaking photos of cats in Donald Trump hair are actual quotes from the man himself so you can really get the whole picture. Because who can ever forget these gems?
“I have a great relationship with the blacks. I’ve always had a great relationship with the blacks.”
“I don’t get along with rich people. I get along with the middle class and the poor people better than I get along with the rich people”
“We should have invaded Mexico.”
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Donald Trump wants to make America great again? Well, this is the kind of stuff that proves that America already is great.
So if you despise Donald Trump, next time you see that orange orb of ineptitude floating on your TV screen or computer monitor, just click over to TrumpYourCat and imagine those fluffy animals are the ones actually running for president.
Vote for Trump Cats!
PHOTOS: 2016 presidential candidates