Saturday Night Live‘s Kate McKinnon reprised her Jeff Sessions impersonation tonight, complete with a box of Forrest Gump chocolates and a special delivery from host Octavia Spencer’s pie-baking Minny from The Help.
Watch a clip below.
Both the pie and the movie mash-up served as the Baldwin-less cold open to tonight’s SNL, as McKinnon, in full Session’s drag, sat on a park bench a la Forrest Gump, chatting up any number of coming-and-going strangers. “Life is like a box of chocolates,” McKinnon said to Leslie Jones before dropping his racist boom: “Sure got a whole lot of brown ones in there.”
The sketch had the Sessions-as-Gump character spilling his guts to the various bench-sharers, bragging about all the famous people he knows “This is my good friend Kellyanne – she ain’t got no legs,” Sessions said, pointing to the now-famous photo of Conway with legs tucked just so on a White House sofa.
(McKinnon, in her usual Kellyanne get-up, was seen striking the pose for a couple brief moments later in the episode as SNL cut to commercials).
Telling anyone and everyone he never talked to the Russians, McKinnon’s Sessions changes his tune when Beck Bennett’s shirtless Vlad Putin shows up. “This meeting never happened,” Puttie says. “I wasn’t going to remember it anyway,” says Sessions.
The sketch’s payoff, though, comes when SNL guest host Spencer arrives, dressed as her Help character Minny Jackson. Surprising Sessions by remembering his run-in with Corretta Scott King (“Oh, a lot of people from Alabama remember that, sir”), Spencer then introduces herself: “My name’s Minny,” she says. “You don’t know me, I’m from a different movie.”
Then the punchline: She gifts Sessions with a delicious-looking pie. No explanation or gory details necessary to anyone who’s seen The Help.
We’ll post full video when it’s available.