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With the Harmony Receiver for PlayStation4, you’ll get one-touch control of your media, movies, apps, and more with most Logitech Harmony remotes. Sit back, relax, and access your PlayStation4 from the comfort of your own couch. The Harmony Receiver supports all 57 PS4 commands, so you can control the XrossMediaBar (XMB), DVD and Blu-Ray movies, and all other console functions-including powering the PS4 ON and OFF with your remote. It also has a 30 foot range and a simple guided online setup to configure your remote, so you’ll enjoy a convenient and hassle-free way to navigate and control your system. With its sleek and quick-response design, the Harmony Receiver is the perfect counterpart to your favorite Logitech Harmony remote.Officially licensed by Sony
Works with most Harmony Remotes
Enables Harmony Remote to Power PS4 ON/OFF
IR wireless link / Complete control of PS4
30 foot receiving range