SPOILER ALERT: This story contains details of tonight’s Last Man On Earth episode “Got Milk?”

Sunday night’s episode of Last Man on Earth imagines a world were Donald Trump is no longer president, and instead current vice president Mike Pence has taken on the role of commander-in-chief.

In the latest episode of Will Forte’s Fox comedy, titled “Got Milk?,” Pence is referred as the 46th president of the United States. The episode introduces Kristen Wiig’s character Pamela Brinton, a wealthy woman who’s in denial about the contagion that has taken over. As the virus begins to spread, she is shocked when she realizes that the President of the United States has passed away. Viewers are informed of this incident when a news anchor reports that President Pence has passed away. The episode makes no mention of Trump by name or what exactly happened to him. 

As the story unfolds, Paul Ryan becomes president, only to be also killed by the virus. Unfortunately, Rex Tillerson, Steve Mnuchin, Jeff Sessions and Betsy DeVos also suffer the same consequences.

As of now, Trump hasn’t made any mention of the Last Man on Earth episode on Twitter. We’ll have to wait and see if he does.

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