Jimmy Kimmel Reveals Real Reason Ivanka Trump Is Getting Whi…

Jimmy Kimmel has a theory about Ivanka Trump. WaPo reported Tuesday that the First Daughter will be an unsalaried daddy-adviser with an office in the West Wing; she is seeking top-level security clearance. Ivanka plans to serve as her father’s “eyes and ears,” Kimmel noted.

“For real,” Kimmel assured his Hollywood studio audience – not even the first time this week that a late-night comic has had to assure his viewers that something he has said about Donald Trump’s White House was NOT a joke.

At the White House, Kimmel said, Ivanka “will draw on her 20 years of foreign and domestic policy experience that she gained selling sandals to Nordstrom.”

“I have theory about it,” Kimmel confided. “Her office is on the second floor of the West Wing, not far from the Oval Office. I suspect they put her there so somebody can run and grab her, in case her father decides to nuke anything. She might be only one he will listen to.”

Check out his full comments in the video above.

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