The actor proposed to his girlfriend of a decade in August (16), while celebrating Cara’s 31st birthday with a boat trip on the Hudson River in New York, but he’s in no rush to make her his wife.
“We kind of set the date of September, 2018 and we’re locking down a venue right now,” the 37-year-old told news show Entertainment Tonight. “It’s gonna be on the East Coast, and that’s all I can tell you!”
But Metcalfe did reveal the big day will be “a great party” full of music and laughter.
“We kind of want to do this for our family and friends, for our loved ones,” he added. “Although it’s our big day, we want it to be a day that they’re going to remember, too.”
And the actor is still to pick his groomsmen, admitting he’s giving the wedding party a lot of thought.
“It’s intense,” he explained. “I’ve got a lot of friends, but I don’t really have a lot of good friends. I think I’m only going to have a few groomsmen.”
But that’s really all he has to decide as his fashion blogger fiancee appears to be in charge of everything else.
“She kinda runs everything by me, so if something jumps out at me and I’m like, ‘No! I definitely don’t want that’, then I kinda get to put my two cents in. But, for the most part, it’s her party.”