Has anyone checked up on Guy Fieri lately? We follow him on Twitter, and his last few posts have caught our eye to say the least. Something seems a little different about Flavortown, and we’re intrigued. We all know about the sassy feud between Guy and fellow celeb chef Anthony Bourdain, not to mention all the beef the public has with Guy’s unique antics. We think its time, however, to give the guy a break. We believe there really is more to Guy than bleached tips, bowling shirts and triple bypass burgers. We highlighted a few interesting posts from the celebrity chef’s Twitter that seem to hint that Flavortown as we know it could very well be under construction. Could it be? Is the king of cray-cray cuisine aiming for healthier, more refined way of life? Did the celebrity chef make a secret New Year’s resolution we don’t know about? Take a gander at the suspiciously savory tweets we found on Guy’s account recently. Judging by those swanky and refined dishes he’s been posting lately, it looks like we as a society need to rethink the way we see Guy. Here are five tweets that prove why.
READ: Guy Fieri or Anthony Bourdain: Can You Tell Who Said What?
Here’s the tweet that first caught our eye. “Shrimp and perigord truffle risotto tonite at the house,” he Tweeted (although a little misspelled but yolo). Okay, but shrimp and who, though!? Didn’t he mean “Deep fried jalapeno Mountain Dew popcorn shrimp with a side of Twix bar infused ranch?” No, my friends, he did not. Guy has left us speechless not only with that gorgeous food porn but with the dish itself. “Perigord truffle!?” What sort of five-star fantasy food have we stumbled upon? Guy, we have to hand it to you, this dish is pure class. Much to our surprise, the swank train rolled along as we scrolled his Twitter feed for evidence of a transformation.
Somebody needs to take Guy’s pulse and see if he’s alright. You read that right —the words “quinoa” AND “salad” are both in this dish he posted. We applaud Guy for taking a step in the direction of Healthytown. He’s totally appealing to us green juicing, carb-cutters right now. All the more reason to stop judging and start trying out these donkey sauce-free dishes!
Handmade truffle ravioli is the ultimate indicator of swank. Two truffle dishes on one Twitter account? Could this be the end of buffalo wings and Guy’s “fried ice cream boulder sundae?” For real that’s an actual menu item at his Vegas restaurant.
“OMG” is right. If you’re not yet convinced that Flavortown is getting swankier, let this post do the talking. We don’t see a single lick of Donkey Sauce anywhere on this dish. Take that, haters.
READ: This Vine of Guy Fieri Throwing an Autographed Lean Cuisine is the Most Millennial Thing You’ll See All Day
Meanwhile, has Anthony Bourdain taken over as the new mayor of Flavortown!? Jk, we love you too BB, even if you are a little unsavory at times.
Based on these swanky, healthy tweets, we’re all for giving Guy a break. How about you? Tell us your thoughts in the comments!
Hear Bourdain talk feud with Guy!
PHOTOS: Celeb Food Fights