Just hours after sitting down with top executives and on-air talent from the Big 3, CNN and Fox News, Donald Trump yet again has slammed the mainstream media as “crooked.”

In a tweet posted tonight, the president-elect lambasted journalists who are questioning the propriety of his business interests and his soon-to-be role as commander in chief:

This latest missile aimed at the MSM comes after the PEOTUS and close aides sat down at Trump Tower today with CNN’s Jeff Zucker, FNC co-presidents Bill Shine and Jack Abernethy and top honchos from ABC News, NBC News and CBS News and select invited talents including Lester Holt and Wolf Blitzer. There have been conflicting reports about the tone of Monday’s meeting, but sources tell Deadline that things were relatively even-handed.

The meeting came as many news outlets have questioned Trump’s potential conflict of interest in continuing to make international business deals as his presidency looms. The Wall Street Journal has called on the real estate mogul-turned-reality star-turned leader of the free world to divest many of his holdings, and others wonder if Trump having his children run his businesses in a “blind trust” is above board.

Meanwhile, the future president also continues to battle NBC’s Saturday Night Live and the Broadway smash Hamilton for their perceived biases against him.

Erik Pedersen contributed to this report.

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