Chris Hemsworth Gushes About His Three Kids! Plus, Ellen DeGeneres Joins Avengers: Age of Ultron as The Honker?!

von Zach Johnson |  Zachary Johnson 14. April 2015 – 08:30

Elizabeth Olsen‘s Scarlet Witch, Aaron Taylor-Johnson‘s Quicksilver and James Spader‘s Ultron aren’t the only new characters introduced in Avengers: Age of Ultron. According to Ellen DeGeneres, she will make her debut in the Marvel Studios film franchise as The Honker. What, you’ve never heard of her?

Chris Hemsworth, who plays Thor, stopped by The Ellen DeGeneres Show Tuesday. Before he joined the host on stage, however, DeGeneres gave viewers a first look at The Honker. “There’s been a lot of talk about the character Vision in the movie,” she said, referring to the synthezoid played by Paul Bettany. The actor previously voiced J.A.R.V.I.S. in all three Iron Man movies, as well as in 2012’s The Avengers. “There’s another new character, and Avenger, and she’s stunning and powerful.”

Cut to DeGeneres in costume as The Honker.

“What is a superhero’s favorite part of the joke?” she asks. “The punch line!”

“Why does The Hulk shop at Costco? He likes to buy in incredible bulk,” she said, laughing to herself. “Where does Thor buy his protein from? The grocery Thor.”

After each joke, The Honker honked a horn.

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When Hemsworth joined DeGeneres on stage, they joked about her character.

“I haven’t seen you since we worked together in the film,” she said.

“The Honker. How did we miss that the first time around, the first Avengers?” Hemsworth wondered.

“I don’t know,” the comic said. “Sometimes you don’t discover new vision and myself, The Honker. You don’t know until you start doing sequels. And, of course, I’ll have a bigger role in the next one we do.”

“Absolutely,” he replied. “It was one of my favorite comic books…as a child.”

DeGeneres joked that she should have her own movie, and Hemsworth agreed to make a cameo. “Instead of the horn I could have a little honker myself,” he said. “We can just honk away for the whole…” DeGeneres cut him off and joked, “If you want a little honker, you can have a little honker!”

“We’d all like a little honker, wouldn’t we?” Hemsworth asked.

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“Who doesn’t want a little honker?” DeGeneres said in agreement. “I mean, I’ll have the big honker and you’ll have the little honker…We can even call it Big and Little Honkers.” Hemsworth riffed off the host’s idea, saying, “We can be back to back on the poster holding honkers.”

“That would be great,” she said. “So I hold your honker and you hold my honker.”

“Yeah,” Hemsworth said. “Just two honkers.”

Confused, DeGeneres asked, “But it’s back to back and we’re still holding honkers?”

“Reach around,” Hemsworth said matter-of-factly.

“Oh, the old reach around for the honker,” she said. “I read about that in a book.”

“Yeah,” Hemsworth replied. “It’s a classic.”

With that, Hemsworth joked that the interview was “over.”

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It was far from over, of course. In fact, it was only just beginning! DeGeneres also asked the actor about his 3-year-old daughter and 1-year-old twin sons. “We actually flew from Australia to London the other day, and door-to-door, it’s about a 30-hour trip,” he recalled. “It was it was kinda like the trip from hell.”

“They were all sick and literally took it in turns to scream. Like one would kind of do it and look over and say, ‘I’m done. You want a turn?’ ‘Yup.’ Ahhhhhhh! And the whole cabin was yeah wanted to kick us off.”

Hemsworth knew his kids annoyed other passengers, but felt a bit helpless. “I don’t know what people expect,” he said. “Put them in a suitcase or something?”

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“There should be a flight just for babies, don’t you think? Like if there was just a plane. It flies right along side of the other plane,” the host imagined. Hemsworth liked the idea, saying, “And you can just wave.” DeGeneres added, They’d see you. Like, ‘Mommy’s here!’ You know? But they’re in another plane.”

“‘But we can’t hear you,'” Hemsworth added. “What a shame!”

DeGeneres joked, “We’re coming up with so many good ideas today.”

Hemsworth agreed, saying, “We’ve got a new franchise and an airline.”

PHOTOS: Avengers: Age of Ultron sneak peek


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