Republican strategist and CNN contributor Ana Navarro says her quick disappearance from a panel on the cable news network tonight wasn’t because of her repeating Donald Trump’s use of the term “p***y.”
Shortly after exiting the Don Lemon hosted talking head-fest and her big dust-up with fellow GOPer Scottie Nell Hughes over the utterance of the term on live TV, Navarro explained online as why she was no longer on-air:
Good night y’all. I’m going to bed. Landed. Went to studio. Been on tv in Eng & Span for 7 hours. Hungry. Tired. It’s all good. Really. 😘😘
— Ana Navarro (@ananavarro) October 8, 2016
Minutes before that post went up on Twitter and with just a few minutes left in his show, Lemon made a muffled point of noting that Navarro had to “leave.” Getting into a war of words of his own with Hughes over whether CNN bleeped out the offensive term in question, the host didn’t offer more explanation about Navarro’s departure.
Long a critic of her party’s nominee and advocating Republican leaders to step forward today to “disown” Trump, Navarro vehemently objected to Hughes’ stance that terms like “p***y” shouldn’t be used on TV.
When the latter said “my daughter is watching” ..well, that was too much for Navarro.
“You’re not offended when Donald Trump says it,” she passionately scolded the surrogate of the ex-Celebrity Apprentice host. Earlier today the Washington Post exposed a filmed 2005 exchange with Trump and then Access Hollywood host Billy Bush where the former was caught on a hot mic talking about a rebuffed attempt to have sex with a woman and using language detailing getting away with groping and other such actions.
“I’m not running for president, he is,” Navarro added in reply to her fellow CNN contributor asking her not to say “p***y” on the panel. “Don’t act outraged and offended when I say the word when you’re not offended by the man you’re supporting,” Navarro said to the clearly taken aback Hughes. “That’s absurd.”
And with a quick jump to a commerical, that was the last we heard of Navarro on CNN tonight