| Lauren Piester 28. Oktober 2015 – 21:07
Well we weren’t expecting that!
At the end of tonight’s Nashville, Juliette (Hayden Panettiere) was teetering on the edge of a roof, drunk and out of her mind, staring at a billboard of her own face and threatening to jump.
Jeff (Oliver Hudson) suddenly appeared behind her and tried to save her, only to then fall off the roof himself.
Unlike some other deaths as of late, there was no question about this: Jeff Fordham is dead. Surprise!
CLICK: Why TV needs to be willing to kill characters
Jeff had just spent the episode trying to help Juliette after a video of her attacking a fan was leaked, and even asked his girlfriend to move in with him, which should have been the first clue that something was about to happen. The second clue was when he got offered a new job his new boss said to him: “Have fun tonight. Tomorrow, we start talking about your future.” Isn’t that how it always goes on TV?
Jeff may have been a bit of an asshat at times, but he definitely did not deserve to go flying off a ledge, and he definitely doesn’t deserve what appears to happen in next week’s episode, in which Juliette tries to cover up the tragedy by saying he committed suicide and that she wasn’t even there.
We, meanwhile, can’t help but wonder if perhaps Oliver Hudson needed to leave this show to take a larger role on his other show, Scream Queens, to perhaps murder a few people. Makes sense to us!
Were you surprised to see Jeff fall to his death? Sound off in the comments!
PHOTOS: The most shocking deaths in recent TV history