Tyga has reached a settlement with his former landlord.
A bench warrant was issued for the 26-year-old rapper’s arrest earlier this week after he failed to show up for a hearing in relation to the fact he allegedly owes Gholamreza Rezai $ 480,285.00 in damages for his old rental property, which he vacated ”sometime prior to” October 31, 2012, but now he won’t be facing arrest after reaching a confidential agreement with the owner of his old home.
Gholamreza’s attorney, Danny Abir, told People magazine: ”There has been a settlement reached to the mutual satisfaction of the parties, the terms of which are confidential.
”My law partner, Boris Treyzon, will appear in court Friday morning to ask the judge to quash the bench warrant since a settlement has been reached and our client is satisfied.”
Boris Treyzon, the landlord’s other attorney, previously insisted Tyga understood the significance of the case when he was served legal papers and was aware of the implications when he splashed out on a $ 189,000 Mercedes-Maybach for girlfriend Kylie Jenner’s 19th birthday, which could have seen the vehicle seized.
He said: ”On the date the debtor [Tyga]’s notice is served, there is a lien that’s created on all of his assets. [That means] he isn’t allowed to do any transfers.
”Once [Tyga was] served, the lien is created. Of course, we have an irate client who is owed half a million dollars and then the client reads that Tyga is giving a Maybach as a gift – that’s in violation of two things.
”There is a hold on him transferring any assets while there is a judgment outstanding – that’s going to be a separate action to recover that car unless the judgment is satisfied – and he’s to appear in court, be placed under oath and he needs to answer questions.”