Taylor Swift Explains What’s Going on in This Awkward Hiking Pic and It’s Awesome

von Bruna Nessif |  Bruna Nessif 2. Juni 2015 – 17:40

Taylor Swift is just perfect.

The latest evidence: A photo of the singer hiking backwards with a man in front of her surfaced on Tumblr after fans began speculating what was going on (which is fair, because it is an odd photo). Taylor caught wind of what was going on, so she decided to get in on the fun and give her admirers some clarity.

“Taylor wtf is happening here im confused,” one fan wrote, while another said, “It’s like she is doing that test that police officers do to see if you’re drunk or not.”

Swift reblogged the photo and responded in an epic way, of course.

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She first posted a GIF of Kristen Wiig‘s character in Bridesmaids when she got pulled over in the movie and started doing a dance in front of the police officer while asking, “If I was drunk, would I be able to do this?”

Taylor could have just stopped there and we would already be praising her effortless wit and continuous desire to connect with fans. But now, she kept going and explained why she was hiking backwards.

“I saw the guy with the camera and wasn’t in the mood so I hiked the whole trail backwards and my security told me when to make turns,” she wrote. “Ah, the tranquility of the great outdoo-TAYLORCANYOULOOKOVERHEREGIVEUSASMILEAREYOUDATI”

LOL! But seriously, hiking backwards? That takes serious skill.

PHOTOS: Taylor Swift’s fierce concert looks


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