Stephen Amell is somebody who’s willing to put his neck out and campaign for motions and events in the television shows he loves and is a part of, in a way that would usually be left to each show’s certain fan base. Showing his passion for the DC TV universe whilst leading ‘Arrow’ in the role of Oliver Queen, he has in the past gone on record saying he has hopes that his show could crossover with fellow CW network series, ‘Supernatural’.
Stephen Amell is a firm favourite at San Diego Comic Con
Heading into its 13th season, ‘Supernatural’ has followed the journey of the Winchester brothers Dean and Sam, played by Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki respectively. Going through its ups and downs, the series shows no signs of slowing down despite first making its debut in 2005. So, could the show potentially crossover with ‘Arrow’ in the future?
Speaking over the weekend at Salt Lake Comic Con as he hosted his own panel, Amell opened up about how he’d like to feature in ‘Supernatural’ if he got the chance, but seemed to distance himself from an official ‘Arrow’ crossover.
He explained: “Without breaking the fourth wall with too much gusto, if I could show up on ‘Supernatural’ as, like, someone pumping gas in their car or something like that, or just someone that they murder, that would be tremendous. And maybe it’s one of those things where, I know that it doesn’t make sense and I know that its one of those things where it’s not the same universe, but at the same time its TV and its supposed to be fun so maybe, you know, one of these days [‘Arrow’ executive producer] Greg Berlanti will be sitting in a room with the head honcho of ‘Supernatural’ and they’ll just go, ‘Eh, why not?’”
It would seem, going by Amell’s comments, that he would be happy starring in ‘Supernatural’ in any form, even if it means hanging up the mantle of Oliver Queen simply for the episode so that he could become somebody else in the show.
With the alternate universes at play in the DC TV realm however, it’s entirely possible that Oliver Queen could work his way into the world of ‘Supernatural’. There may even be another version of Queen running round there already. If that is the case, he could easily be killed off in that timeline, as he hopes for, or simply be working at a gas station and fill up the Winchester car.
Whatever the case may be, it seems to be simply a matter of time before something monumental truly takes place. Amell is a man who often gets what he wants, so let’s see if his words have some pulling power this time round.
More: New “Agendas” At Play In Hell In ‘Supernatural’ Season 13
‘Supernatural’ season 13 and ‘Arrow’ season 6 both premiere on The CW in the US on October 12.