A Star Wars Episode 7 plot leak, from the usually reliable Badass Digest, has thrown the Universe into disarray this weekend. We’re still treating this as a rumour, but if you’re totally against hearing anything about J.J Abrams’ movie until its release, stop reading now. Check out some casting news instead.
A still from the ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ script read through
Ok, so according to the leak, the movie begins with a severed hand, gripping a light saber, floating around space. The limb comes to rest on a desert planet, where it is discovered by Daisy Ridley and John Boyega’s characters. The pair meet Han Solo and Chewbacca who recognize the lightsaber as belonging to someone they know.
Their quest takes the group to Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, who Han and Chewie haven’t seen since the events of Return of the Jedi. It’s just an outline, but Badass say they’re hearing “extremely positive things about the action, and very, very good things about the characters themselves.”
Suring up Boyega’s character, Devin Faraci of Badass Digest explains, “As others have said, Boyega plays a storm trooper. A storm trooper who basically deserts and teams up with Daisy Ridley’s character.”
Production on Star Wars: Episode VII is about to go on hiatus for about a month to allow Harrison Ford to recover from the injury he suffered on set a few months back. The movie is still on schedule for release on December 18, 2015.
It was recently announced by Disney that Looper director Rian Johnson would direct Star Wars: Episode VIII.
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