| Bruna Nessif 6. Mai 2015 – 20:41
Did you feel that? No, it wasn’t an earthquake. It was Shaquille O’Neal hitting the floor.
The 7-foot-3 former basketball star got himself tangled up while appearing on TNT’s Inside the NBA tonight during the halftime telecast of the Rockets vs. Clippers game—and in turn, we witnessed the huge celeb experience a hard, hilarious and unforgettable fall to the ground.
The pro athlete decided to jump out of his seat to try and beat his co-host Kenny Smith to the Halftime Report signage, but instead, took one step and ended up leaping into the air Free Willy style before ultimately crashing down onto the floor with his shoe flying off and cords around his ankle.
A computer monitor even showed up out of nowhere! We’re extremely surprised the ground didn’t crack with such a strong collision, but luckily, no one was hurt. So it’s totally OK to laugh.
Shaq tweeted a video of the tumble with the caption, “Dam I’m clumsy,” after tweeting out, “I almost broke my dam leg lol #downgoesshaq #shaqtinafall.”
LOL! OK, time to watch the video on loop. Seriously.
PHOTOS: More celebs falling down