Erica Luttrell (Arrow) has booked a recurring role in CBS’ summer suspense drama series Salvation, from Alex Kurtzman’s Secret Hideout and CBS Television Studios. Salvation follows whip-smart MIT grad student Liam (Charlie Rowe) and tech billionaire Darius Tanz, who bring to a low-level Pentagon official a staggering discovery: An asteroid is just six months away from colliding with Earth. Liam and Darius team to launch a secret project to save the planet — a secret Liam must keep from the ones he loves. Luttrell will play Claire Rayburn, senior advisor to the President, who works closely with Deputy Secretary of Defense Harris Edwards on the secret project. Luttrell’s TV credits include the role of Laura Washington in Arrow‘s 100th episode, the CW’s Flash/Supergirl/Legends of Tomorrow crossover event. She also had guest roles on Rosewood, iZombie and NCIS and recurred in Syfy’s Lost Girl. She’s repped by Aaron Kogan at AK Management, and Steven Niebert at Imperium 7 talent agency.
Carter Redwood (Yellow Bird) has joined the cast of National Geographic Channel’s The Long Road Home scripted miniseries, based on Martha Raddatz’s New York Times bestseller. The Long Road Home will relive a heroic fight for survival during the Iraq War when the First Cavalry Division from Fort Hood, Texas, was ferociously ambushed on April 4, 2004, in Sadr City, Baghdad — a day that came to be known in military annals as “Black Sunday.” The event series will cut between the soldiers on the ground and the homefront in Texas, where their wives and families await news for 48 hellish hours, expecting the worst. Redwood will play Specialist Pedro Guzman, a 21 year old from Brooklyn, New York who is the platoons medic. Redwood has a major supporting role in the film Yellow Bird opposite Jennifer Aniston which premiered this year at Sundance. He’ll also be featured on Orange Is The New Black this upcoming season. Redwood is repped by Abrams Artists Agency and Anonymous Content.