If you watched LeeAnne Locken storm out of her lunch with Cary Deuber and Stephanie Hollman at the end of last night’s The Real Housewives of Dallas and found yourself wondering what the heck she meant when she informed her frenemies “If you bow at me, I bow right back,” don’t worry. You were not alone. While we admit we got the gist of what she meant just by her tone and body language, we’d definitely never heard that particular phrase.
Some backstory: LeeAnne met with Cary and Stephanie to, as she put it, explain to them “the process being involved in charity, the process of earning your wings.” Also, she just wanted to read them the riot act for their friend Brandi Redmond’s infamous poop hat at the Mad Hatter’s Gala—and their involvement in the prank that left a fake turd on her seat at the luncheon. As her uninvited lesson about reputations in the Dallas charity scene fell on deaf and argumentative ears, LeeAnne grew agitated and that’s when the slang in question passed her lips.
“I don’t back down. Bow at me,” she added, using the foreign term a second time. “See how it goes. I don’t give a f–k.” Clearly, bowing at someone is a big freaking deal. But what does it mean?!
Sharing in our confusion, the good folks at Bravo asked their newest diva to clear up exactly what she meant. “Bow at me is slang for preparing to fight someone!” LeeAnne clarified, “Bow at me is a dare/warning. Cary always wants to one up everyone and if she was looking for a fight I was just letting her know – I am good to go! #BRINGIT.”
In her own blog post, LeeAnne spoke at greater length about her side of things in this post-Poop Hat world we find ourselves. “My intentions for lunch with Cary & Stephanie were sincere and motivated only to try and HELP them navigate their way through the Dallas charity scene, which can be more than a bit tricky! It was obvious from the moment I sat down that their minds were already made up and the line in sand had ALREADY been drawn,” she wrote, colorful punctuation all her own. “When Cary brought up ‘You have to be a B, that’s right BILLIONAIRE, to be a socialite,’ THAT was the final bell of the last round! Cary has NO CLUE about Dallas Society because in my circles, SHE IS NOT WELCOMED or LIKED! There, I said it! THAT is the TRUTH! I am accepted because I DON’T LIE!! And let’s face it, I’m Freaking FUN to be around! At this point, since I am not the type of person to beat a dead horse, I simply got up, paid the bill and went on my way! Cary is IRRITATED of the fact that I AM welcomed and liked in most social circles and she just simply can’t say the same! #ByeFelicia!”

Only three episodes in and there are indeed clear lines in the sand. Cary made it clear in her blog that there’s no love lost on her end, either. “The real truth is that LeeAnne listens to nothing but herself talking; and the so called ‘rules’ she speaks about are clearly HER rules, not real society rules,” she wrote. “If she wouldn’t have gone and talked about Brandi’s hat to every person at that party, no one would have even known it had one little turd on it. She was looking to make trouble because she was pissed at Brandi.”
Cary continued to go in on her new foe, comparing her motherhood and career to what she sees as LeeAnne’s lack thereof. “It’s seems all LeeAnne cares about is charity, how she looks in the charity world and climbing the ‘social ladder,'” she continued. “If I really pissed off someone at a charity event with a little harmless fun and they don’t want me around anymore, well that’s fine, that’s their loss; but I guess LeeAnne wouldn’t have anything else to do.”
If that isn’t bowing at someone, we don’t know what is.
Whose side are you on in the Great Poop Hat Debate? Sound off in the comments below!
The Real Housewives of Dallas airs Mondays at 10 p.m. on Bravo.
(E! and Bravo are both part of the NBCUniversal family.)
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