If we’re talking about biggest moment’s from Sunday’s 89th Academy Awards, obviously Moonlight’s surprise Best Picture win takes the cake, but in an over three-hour telecast surely there has to be others.

Throughout the show, Facebook took a deeper look at the public conversation around the ceremony, and we’ve collected the top five most talked-about moments related to the Academy Awards, according to the social media giant.

1. La La Land and Moonlight Best Picture moment 

2. Host Jimmy Kimmel’s opening monologue 

3. Gael García Bernal on stage remarks “As a Mexican, as a Latin American, as a migrant worker, as a human being, I am against any form of wall that wants to separate us”

4. Jimmy Kimmel surprises tour bus fans, bringing them inside the ceremony to meet the stars

5. Mahershala Ali wins Best Supporting Actor for Moonlight

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