Katherine Flynn, who plays the young Veronica in the steamy drama, was approached about the role when she was pregnant and her mum felt sure she’d turn it down, because it would mean getting back in shape so soon after the delivery.
“They have a scene where I’m supposed to be 30, and they hired my real daughter to play me…,” Jane tells New York Live. “I thought she wouldn’t do it, because she’s just had a baby, four weeks ago… and she’s playing love scenes! It wasn’t my idea.”
Mum also has a few love scenes in the film with her former Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman co-star William Shockley, and she admits they may have prompted the veteran actor, who played Hank Lawson in the beloved TV drama, to ask his partner to marry him.
“I’ve gotta do love scenes with him and he had to explain this to his longtime girlfriend and then decided to pop the question to her.”
And, talking of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, Seymour and Shockley are preparing for an upcoming reunion at the ranch where the TV series was shot.
“A lot of fans are showing up in a couple of weeks at the ranch. They’re coming from all over the world… It’s gonna be really cool.”
But she fears a TV reunion may never happen thanks to a clash over the rights to the show.
“Everybody wants it, except for the people that own it.”
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