The fashionable rocker reveals he kept a number of key costume pieces from the band’s heyday in a secure storage space, which he allowed the show’s curator, Ileen Gallagher, to sort through.
“Years ago I put (my old duds) in a warehouse, so a lot of the clothes in the exhibition are ones I actually kept,” he told Harper’s Bazaar.
However, Gallagher discovered some of the wardrobe pieces she had been looking for were missing and it was soon determined Mick’s daughters had secretly swiped the gear.
“There were certain outfits we were looking for, and they just weren’t in the archive, and in various conversations with people, we thought that maybe his daughters had taken some things,” she explained. “And in point of fact, they did have one of the jumpsuits.”
Mick added, “My daughters had ‘borrowed’ them. They thought it was funny to wear my ’70s clothes. I got a couple of things back from them. I used it as a good excuse to say, ‘OK, time for you to give them back now. It has to be hung up in an exhibition.'”
And he found models Lizzy and Georgia Jagger were the main culprits: “Elizabeth and Georgia (were the biggest offenders),” he shared. “They can get in those rail-thin trousers.”
Despite holding on to his old stage costumes, Mick admits he isn’t usually so sentimental about things: “I’m a throwing-out person,” he said.
Exhibitionism: The Rolling Stones includes a full-sized replica of the tiny apartment Mick used to share with guitarist Keith Richards in 1962, but the singer reveals he had to ask production designers to clean it up a little, because he was concerned it looked a little too dirty – even though they were simply working off the rockers’ memory of the space.
“I think it came out pretty much like it was, but when I first saw it, they’d overdone the filth,” he told the publication. “I was like, ‘Don’t have 10 ashtrays filled with cigarette butts. You have 50 beer bottles. Come on, guys. If we take it back a bit, it will still be filthy.'”
The exhibit opened at London’s Saatchi Gallery in April (16), and is now on display at Industria studios in New York, where it will remain until March (17).