The Man of Steel star received an email alert about the event’s dress code on the eve of the festive comedy’s launch in November (15) and decided to take producers at their word.
However, when Michael showed up for the red carpet, he and his sister, who he had taken as his date, were the only ones sporting the holiday trend.
“The night before the premiere, they (film bosses) sent out this invitation and it said, ‘Everybody wear a Christmas sweater,'” he explains to U.S. talk show host Jimmy Fallon.
“And I saw (co-star) Seth Rogen earlier in the day, ’cause we were doing some game show on Comedy Central (TV network) or something, and I said, ‘Are you gonna wear a Christmas sweater?’ He’s like, ‘I’m about 50/50.’
“‘What do you mean you’re 50/50? It said on the thing, ‘Christmas sweater’.’ He’s like, ‘Yeah, OK, I’ll see you tonight.’ And then I show up there in my Christmas sweater, and I was the only one (in the cast)! They were all wearing suits…!”
“That’s the last Christmas movie I ever do!” Michael quips.
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