The Australian beauty acquired a tattoo gun and offered to ink her castmates.
Photos of actors like Jai Courtney and Cara Delevingne showing off the new ink Robbie permanently etched on them surfaced online last year (15), with each castmate boasting a brand new ‘skwad’ tattoo to remind them of their time on set.
However, Robbie told U.S. talk show host Stephen Colbert during his post-Super Bowl The Late Show special on Sunday (07Feb16) that the first brave soul to trust her as a new inkmaster was Courtney’s assistant Simon, who is now sporting a regrettable one-of-a-kind tattoo.
“I did spell one wrong once on an epic dude named Simon, who was Jai Courtney’s cast assistant,” Margot chuckled. “He put his hand up first to get the ‘skwad’ tattoo.
She continued, “It’s pretty big, it’s on his arm. Everyone was spelling it ‘skwad’, and I went straight from the ‘s’ to the ‘W’, so it read ‘Swad’.
Robbie says she’s improved since the spelling error, with 26 tattoos to her credit, including one she did on her own foot.
“At first I really had to beg people, and then it kind of became a thing and people ask me now,” she explained.
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