Jon Stewart’s Farewell To Fox News: ‘Adios, Motherf**kers!’

Jon Stewart has three more nights left in the “Daily Show” chair, but on Monday he delivered what may be his parting shot at longtime nemesis, Fox News.  

The network’s talking heads have called him a “tool” of President Barack Obama, referred to the pair as having a “bromance” and described the comedian as an administration “propagandist.” 

So where’s the evidence? 

Instead, Stewart played clip after clip of Fox News hosts over the years gleefully pointing out his many disputes with the administration.

“My hunch is this show’s been harder on the Obama administration and this president per capita than you ever were in your eight years of Bush fingerbanging,” Stewart declared. 

He also invited Fox to look into it and get back to him, but said he didn’t expect a response since they still haven’t answered his “50 Fox Lies In 6 Seconds” segment from earlier this year. 

“How’s that motherfucking taste?” Stewart yelled, before pretending to pull the pin out of an imaginary grenade and throwing it onto the “Daily Show” set, which erupted into fake flames. “Adios, motherfuckers!”

Check it out in the clip above.

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