Johnny Depp Was Acting Especially Weird at the 2014 Hollywood Film Awards—Watch Now!

von Bruna Nessif |  Bruna Nessif 14. November 2014 – 19:51

Um, Johnny Depp, what’s happening?

As the 2014 Hollywood Film Awards started coming to a close tonight, viewers and the star-studded audience were greeted with an especially odd encounter. Depp took the stage to give a warm intro for Shep Gordon whose documentary Supermensch: The Legend of Shep Gordon was being honored, but Johnny ended up stealing the show.

Depp wobbled up to the microphone and exclaimed how weird it looked, then made it very evident that he couldn’t stand up straight. After confessing that he’s no good at this sort of thing, he states “Okay, I’m going to read this thing.”

But he continuously slurred words and appeared to go off whatever was on the teleprompter. Then the actor dropped a bunch of curse words (that we unfortunately couldn’t hear) and when he realized it was live TV, Johnny covered his mouth and giggled like a little school boy.

One might assume that Gordon and Mike Myers, who directed the doc, would be annoyed with Depp’s antics, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

“Backstage with Shep Gordon, Mike Myers says Johnny Depp’s intro was ‘very rock n’ roll.’ #HFA,” a Los Angeles Times reporter tweeted.

See the entire thing go down in the clip above!

PHOTOS: 2014 Hollywood Film Awards

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