Suspended ‘Top Gear’ host Jeremy Clarkson has said he believes “protest never works”, despite a petition calling for him to be reinstated by the BBC reaching one million signatures. Clarkson made the comments in his weekly column for British newspaper The Sun, just days after launching into a foul mouthed rant against the BBC.
Suspended ‘Top Gear’ host Jeremy Clarkson
“The simple truth of the matter is this: Protest never works. Because we are all plankton. And the world is run by whales,” Clarkson wrote. “Oh, you can be a big and important plankton but that doesn’t make a jot of difference if a whale has decided to eat you up.”
“You can get a million other plankton to dress up and wave banners but Mr Whale won’t even notice,” the presenter concluded.
More: Jeremy Clarkson Blasts The BBC In Vicious Rant At Charity Auction
But despite his reservations Clarkson has thanked those who signed the petition, writing on Twitter yesterday, “Many many thanks to all of the people who have called for my reinstatement. I’m very touched. We shall all learn next week what will happen.”
Clarkson also used his column to describe how plans to upgrade the London sewerage system may disrupt him, after he was informed a hole could potentially be dug right outside his front door. Seemingly alluding to his current status with the Beeb, Clarkson wrote, ”I don’t doubt it will be impossible to do any work while the site is operational but hey, maybe I won’t have to,” he wrote. Watch this space.”
More: James May And Richard Hammond Reportedly Refusing To Film More ‘Top Gear’ Without Jeremy Clarkson
Earlier this week the 54 year old attacked the BBC during an appearance at a charity auction where he joked he would “do one last lap of that track before the f**king b**tards sack me” at the event in London.
“The BBC have f***ed themselves,” The Telegraph reports Clarkson as saying. ‘It was a great show and they f***ed it up.” Clarkson is expected to learn his fate with the BBC next week.
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