That style alert pointing out Ivanka Trump’s $10-grand 60 Minutes bracelet has been polished a bit by the future First Daughter’s company. Abigail Klem, president of Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry, says in a press statement that yesterday’s email blast to fashion journalists was sent by a “well-intentioned” marketing employee still adjusting to life in a post-election world.
Here’s Klem’s statement:
“This notification was sent by a well-intentioned marketing employee at one of our companies who was following customary protocol, and who, like many of us, is still making adjustments post-election. We are proactively discussing new policies and procedures with all of our partners going forward.”
Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry
As Deadline reported last night, Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry sent out a style alert email blast to fashion journalists Monday with a photo of Ivanka wearing “her favorite bangle from the Metropolis Collection” as seen on the CBS News’ 60 Minutes the night before. The bracelet is available for $10,800 and $8,800.