George Lucas Throws Shade Towards Oscars: “It’s a Political Campaign”

Posted Saturday January 17, 2015 2:03 PM GMT

The upcoming Academy Awards are undeniable facing criticsm for its lack of diversity in the nominated categories, and whether the backlash is warranted or not, Oscar-winning director George Lucas is giving his two cents on the ordeal.

During a chat with CBS This Morning, the “Star Wars” director slammed the Academy’s choice for all-white actor nominees this year, stating the Oscar-nomination process, “It’s a political campaign. It has nothing to do with artistic endeavor at all.”

Lucas gave this response to Gayle King’s question if he thought the nominations were a snub against “Selma’s” David Oyelowo. George continued his rant and spoke on the Academy members, stating, “Why do we elect people who drift toward not the most talented, best, and brightest we have in the country? It’s all political … I think it hurts everybody.”


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