Marking the first new series under the leadership of President of Animation, Nicolas Atlan, Gaumont Television has partnered with Kristen Bell, Jackie Tohn, Michael Scharf and Ivan Askwith on preschool toon Do, Re & Mi. Billed as a quirky, whimsical musical adventure, it will feature original tracks performed by Bell, Tohn (American Idol) and surprise guests. The plan is to extend it into apps, games, music videos and more.
Atlan joined Gaumont from Splash Entertainment in March with a view to ramping up animation activities as the company expanded into the U.S. market.
Do, Re & Mi‘s stories will follow eighth note Mi, who begins every day with one mission: to find his song — ie inspiration, love and his raison d’être. Do and Re are the sidekicks.
Tohn, who plays Gilda Radner in Netflix’s upcoming A Futile And Stupid Gesture, and Scharf (The Moon And Son: An Imagined Conversatio), created Do, Re & Mi. Exec producers are Askwith (Reading Rainbow, Veronica Mars) and Bell. She’ll next be seen in NBC comedy The Good Place.
Gaumont, makers of scripted series Narcos, Hannibal and the upcoming The Frozen Dead, Crosshair and Spy City, has animation credits that include F Is For Family and Calimero.