In case there was any question about it, President Trump’s chief White House strategist made it official today: The media is the “opposition party.”
The media “don’t understand this country. They still do not understand why Donald Trump is the president of the United States,” Steve Bannon told the New York Times in an interview making the announcement.
Bannon, who rarely gives interviews, except to Breitbart News, which he ran until August, noted mainstream media called the election “100% dead wrong.” Calling it a “humiliating defeat,” Bannon told the newspaper “That’s why you have no power.”
Even so, Bannon initiated the interview, contacting the newspaper to praise White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer.
Asked if he was concerned Spicer had lost credibility with the news media, after calling a news conference to reiterate Trump’s claims about attendance at his inauguration, and failing to disavow Trump’s claims of widespread voter fraud in the election, Bannon responded: “Are you kidding me? We think that’s a badge of honor.”