Bill O’Reilly told Stephen Colbert this presidential election is not rigged, as his pal Donald Trump keeps insisting, though he conceded it has not been a traditional election.
On the other hand, O’Reilly says at least three media organizations have ordered their employees to destroy Trump. Of course O’Reilly is not saying which three.
“Is Fox News one of them?” Colbert asks the Fox News star.
“Yes,” O’Reilly responds.
One down, two to go.
O’Reilly says all this “it’s rigged” talk is not helping Trump, who is down in many polls since the Access Hollywood tape got leaked to The Washington Post. Trump’s only chance of winning the election is to address voters directly at the next debate, on Wednesday, and tell them he will do this for them, and that for them. “Nobody cares about the rigged stuff,” O’Reilly said, calling it a waste of time.
“Stop whining” and focus on three things you want to say to voters, O’Reilly advised the GOP candidate.
“It’s rigged, it’s rigged, it’s rigged,” Colbert joked, ticking off the three things.