Your daily dose of nostalgia is brought to you by your favorite Disney characters and a side of Smash Mouth. Simba, Woody, Gaston, Tinkerbelle, and the rest of the fam join forces to bring you an adorable (and hella creative) version of Smash Mouth’s famous “All Star.” Can anyone remind us why we all liked that song? Only the heavens know how long it took to put all of those clips together, but we give the creator some major props. Thanks to YouTuber James Covenant, we all have something to distract us from whatever soul-sucking activity we’re trying to avoid right now.
While the majority of the clips are Disney gems from back in the day, the video does feature snippets from Frozen and Lilo and Stitch as well. There’s nothing like watching Belle sing “hey now, you’re an all-star,” to a talking clock, is there? In other words, set aside 1 minute and 32 seconds of your day and watch your childhood melt together into a somewhat traumatic, adorably nostalgic, hot mess. We promise you won’t be let down by this in any way, shape or form.
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