David Tennant is set to play ‘Doctor Who’ once again – only he’ll be returning in a series of audio dramas, rather than on television.
The 44 year old Scottish actor, who played the tenth incarnation of the Doctor from 2005 to 2010, will be reunited with his on-screen assistant Catherine Tate, who once again plays the Doctor’s companion Donna Noble.
Tennant proved to be a hugely popular Doctor Who, taking over from Christopher Eccleston who helped re-boot the series the year before. He was last seen in the 50th anniversary special in 2013, briefly reprising his take on the regenerating timelord.
David Tennant and Catherine Tate working together in ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ in 2011
He and Tate will record three episodes of ‘Doctor Who – The Tenth Doctor Adventures’ for production company Big Finish, a British-based outfit that produces books and audio plays based on established science fiction favourites. The episodes are reportedly set for release in May 2016.
More: Peter Capaldi reportedly signs on for at least one more series of ‘Doctor Who’
In a promotional clip released by Big Finish, Tate and Tennant paid tribute to each other’s talents. “I love working with Catherine because of the life that she brings to something and the way that she can turn the most mundane line into something glorious and sparkling,” said Tennant.
Returning the compliment, Tate responded: “David embodied the part of the Doctor and made it his own. David’s got a mercurial mind and he has that facility as an actor to turn on a penny and he can draw you in, he can pull you, push you away, make you laugh, make you cry – he can do all of those brilliant things.”
According to the Mirror, Tennant has been involved with Big Finish before, rather aptly working alongside previous ‘Doctor Who’ actors Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy! Jason Haigh-Ellery, executive producer at Big Finish, said about that coincidence.
“I still remember the sense of joy I had when I heard that David had been asked to play the Doctor… …and now David comes full circle, back doing ‘Doctor Who’ with Big Finish — except that this time he’s playing the Doctor! It’s the same but different — it’s wonderful to have him back!”
More: Could ‘Doctor Who’ soon have a female timelord with a male assistant?
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