David Beckham Reveals How He Won Over Victoria Beckham: I Used My Small Swim Trunks!

Posted Saturday May 17, 2014 4:03 PM GMT

Leading the summer short swim trunks trend, David Beckham launched a new line of swimwear for H&M.

The former soccer player chatted with GQ about the campaign. “Funnily enough, I’ve always tended to go for the tighter, smaller trunks. I don’t know why. But it really depends what mood I’m in—sometimes I wear ridiculously baggy shorts that you’ve not going to get a tan in. It’s down to my mood and the beach I’m on—or what age I am, of course!”

Further on in the interview Beckham reveals a funny story about the first time he started dating now wife Victoria Beckham.

“When I first started going out with Victoria and we went away for the first time I remember I took a pair of small, tight, dark blue Gucci trunks with me—I was obviously trying to impress her. They were really small, but they worked,” David dished.

Those tight trunks definitely worked, the couple has been married for 14 years now and have four children together.

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