Coroner: No Evidence B.B. King Was Poisoned Before Death

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LAS VEGAS (AP) — The coroner in Las Vegas says there’s no evidence blues legend B.B. King was poisoned before he died of natural causes in May.

Clark County Coroner John Fudenberg said Monday that an autopsy sought by two of the musical icon’s 11 adult children shows the cause of death was Alzheimer’s disease with other physical conditions.

Daughters Karen Williams and Patty King alleged through their attorney that King’s business manager, LaVerne Toney, and his personal assistant, Myron Johnson, hastened their father’s death.

Brent Bryson — a lawyer for King’s estate, Toney and Johnson — called the claims defamatory and libelous.

The coroner’s ruling closes the official investigations of King’s death.

He died May 14 in hospice care at home in Las Vegas at age 89.

B.B. King’s Most Memorable Performance






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