Comfort Zone Chops Junior Lip Saver and Artificial Embouchure
Chops Junior is an embouchure training aid (an artificial embouchure) sized to fit teen or petite females and beginning children (boys and girls). The Chops Junior embouchure training aid adds strength to the player’s weak embouchure by acting as a fulcrum the way a natural strong one does, giving full control of the reed and eliminating discouraging squeaks. At the same time, Chops Junior protects the inner bottom lip from sharp front teeth, thus allowing the performer to play effortlessly, pain-free, and squeak-free. Made of thermoplastic, and by way of boil and bite, insures a custom fit guaranteed to have the beginner sounding like a seasoned performer from the very start.Chops Junior works by stretching the soft, vibration-absorbing sk
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