Chris Evans Told Off By BBC For Promoting ‘TFI Friday’ On Radio Two Breakfast Show

Chris Evans has received a telling off from BBC bosses for excessively promoting his Channel 4 show ‘TFI Friday’ on his BBC Radio Two breakfast show. It comes after the BBC received a complaint from a viewer who felt Evans was promoting the programme too much while hosting his breakfast show in October, which may have been breaking BBC rules concerning commercial products.

Chris EvansChris Evans has been told off for promoting ‘TFI Friday’ on the BBC.

In a statement the BBC said: ‘A viewer complained that Chris Evans’ references to the first of his upcoming series of TFI Friday on Channel 4 had been inappropriately promotional. As the producers of TFI Friday profit from its sale to Channel 4, it comes within the scope of the editorial guidelines dealing with references to commercial products, organisations and services.’

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‘Contrary to those guidelines, the references to TFI Friday were largely promotional in character, and more numerous than was editorially justifiable. At a meeting following the finding, the management of BBC Radio spoke to Chris Evans about the issues connected with commercial products and the editorial justifications for mentioning them.’

‘TFI Friday’ returned to Channel 4 after 15 years away in October, for a special 10 episode revival of the series. Evans later confirmed that he would not be hosting another series of ‘TFI Friday’, due to his commitments as the new host of ‘Top Gear’.

More: Chris Evans Unveils Full ‘Top Gear’ Presenting Line Up

“This is the long goodbye, I am not allowed to do any more TFI Friday,” Evans said, during Radio Festival at the British Library last year. The new ‘Top Gear’ is scheduled to return to the BBC in May, with Evans joined by ‘Friends’ star Matt Le Blanc alongside, Rory Reid, Sabine Schmitz, Chris Harris and Eddie Jordan.

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