Ben Affleck is returning to the big screen a little later this month in ‘Justice League’, following his debut as the Dark Knight himself, Batman in ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’ in early 2016. Though that film wasn’t seen as anything too special by a large portion of critics and the public, Affleck’s performance as Bruce Wayne was one of the standout moments that did work, according to many.
Ben Affleck is currently promoting upcoming DCEU film ‘Justice League’
Returning to the role alongside Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Henry Cavill as Superman, Jason Momoa as Aquaman, Ray Fisher as Cyborg and Ezra Miller as The Flash, he’ll be a part of the first ever big screen live adaptation of the comic book superhero group, the Justice League. It’s history in the making.
Unfortunately, Affleck’s name hasn’t been in the news for all the right reasons as of late; especially so following the accusations of sexual harassment and assault levelled at movie mogul Harvey Weinstein.
Speaking with FOX 5, the actor was asked about Kevin Smith’s decision to donate future earnings from Weinstein projects to charity, and said: “It’s funny you mention that because once Kevin suggested that, I decided to do the same thing, so I’m giving any further residuals that I get from either a Miramax or a Weinstein movie; [they] will go either to FI or to RAINN. One is Film Independent and the other is a women’s organisation, and I just didn’t want to cash any more checks from the guy, you know? I don’t usually bring it up.”
He added: “It was Kevin’s idea, I thought it was a good one and I hope it catches on. Some people probably couldn’t afford to give all those residuals away, but even if you’re doing 10%, you know, that’s something.”
The move is one that will be respected by those in the industry, but there will still be the fact that questions have been raised about Affleck’s own behaviour in the past. As the subject of a number of allegations himself, it’s going to be very interesting to see how he, and his accused brother Casey Affleck, deal with the entire situation.
As more and more producers are brought into the scandal, with all sorts of allegations being thrown around by a number of names, both high-profile and those lesser-known, it’ll be intriguing to see just how responses like this will snowball.
More: Ashley Judd Details Sexual Harassment Encounter With Harvey Weinstein
We’ll bring you more details surrounding the Weinstein scandal as the story rolls on.