Ashley Graham thinks the term ‘plus size’ is ”so divisive”.
The 30-year-old model hates using that phrase as she feels it is putting all women of that size and shape into one category.
She told CBS News: ”I think the word ‘plus-size’ is so divisive to women. I think that when you use the word ‘plus-size’ you’re putting all these women into a category, ‘You don’t eat well.’ ‘You don’t work out’. ‘You could care less about your body.’ ‘You’re insecure.’ ‘You have no confidence.”’
It comes after Ashley admitted being ”pretty” meant you had to be be sexy.
She said: ”I’m not going to just give you the story half-assed – I’m going to give it to you full-on. For me, being pretty was wrapped up in sex. Being accepted was wrapped up in sex. I don’t want women to think like that. I want them to learn from my mistakes …
”I think that the more vulnerable I was, the easier it was going to be for someone to relate to me. I definitely think that my body has changed many peoples’ lives. I’ve used my body as a tool to talk about taboo subjects, such as cellulite or being insecure about lower belly fat – and also [how to] talk life into your body and have an affirmation kind of conversation with yourself. And I know the lives that have been.”
Ashley has confessed she felt like an ”outsider” because of her body shape.
She said: ”For so long I have been an outsider because of my size. And I think that fashion has always in some way catered to celebrities or to a thinner idealistic model. And I think now it’s changing because of voices like mine.”
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