Ann Romney’s Grandma Tips Are ‘Freakin’ Awesome’

The who’s-the-coolest-grandma gauntlet may have just been thrown down. Ann Romney, wife of 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney, lets her hair down in a 90-second video for the Independent Journal Review in which she offers her “freakin’ awesome” grandma tips. 

Romney, whose book “In This Together” about her struggle with multiple sclerosis was recently released, shows a much lighter side of herself in the video. The grandmother of 23 wields a light saber as she advises to always have a fun craft at the ready, a game to play (enter that light saber and a hapless stack of red paper cups) and a story to tell (don’t let it be scary if your grandchild happens to be sleeping in your bed). Bonus: She’s seen knitting a “Kanye 2020” sweater.  She also advises viewers to “always know your squad” before naming all her 23 grandchildren.

There’s definitely a whole lot more chill going on with Ann Romney these days without her husband in the race. Romney told IJ, “You can be spontaneous.” She added, “You don’t worry about the consequences or people attacking you and you can just be more open.”

We say: Mission accomplished. 

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