Is Big Media rewarding those writers who went back to work during the 2007–2008 Writers Guild strike? I know that several have since been promoted or received deals. Today, Disney’s ABC Daytime replaced Bob Guza Jr with Garin Wolf as head writer of General Hospital effective immediately. Not that Guza didn’t have an army of detractors among the soap’s fans. But while Wolf is certainly uber-qualified as the recipient of two Daytime Emmys and part of the GH staff for nearly 15 years, he also is infamous among daytime writers for opting to go Fi-Core during the WGA strike when he stepped in as GH head writer while his guild brethren were walking the picket lines. (Only a handful of WGA members went financial core, i.e. resigning from the union yet continuing to receive the benefits of the union contract.) Interesting how the ABC Daytime news release made specal mention of Wolf winning a Writer’s Guild Award for his past work on General Hospital — while not mentioning that the post-strike WGA excoriated Wolf as one of the “puny few who consciously and selfishly decided to place their own narrow interests over the greater good.”

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