2016 saw a slew of great content come to television, but you’d be hard pressed to find a series more talked about than Netflix original series ‘Stranger Things’. Taking place in the fictional town of Hawkins in the US, the show – set in the 80s – followed the usually ordinary story of a boy gone missing. It soon became clear to both viewers and residents of Hawkins however that this was an extraordinary tale.
Charlie Heaton and Natalia Dyer star in the show’s second season
The sci-fi-meets-horror series introduced an incredible roster of characters, all with their own intricate backgrounds, emotions and talented assigned actors. From the young to the older members of the cast, this was a true ensemble piece, allowing everybody to shine in equal measure.
Now confirmed for a second season, tidbits of information has been slowly drip-fed to the public, whether it be from cast or crew members involved in making the show.
Finn Wolfhard, Gaten Matarazzo, Caleb McLaughlin and Noah Schnapp make up the show’s younger cast
Though he says that “fans will be disappointed”, the show’s producer Shawn Levy does think that viewers will gain a certain level of satisfaction from the second season.
“We are going to do things that fans will be disappointed in but I think they will be more satisfied by,” he explained in a chat with The Hollywood Reporter.
He continued: “I’ll give one example that I’ve been asked about a hundred times, which is people still think Barb’s alive. Because you think you want that but you wouldn’t really want that.”
So if one thing’s for sure going into season 2, it’s that we’re not going to see a miraculous recovery from Barb following her succumbing to the Upside Down. Despite that, creator Matt Duffer did previously state we’d see “justice” of some kind for the fan favourite character, so we’ve got that at least to look forward to.
The producer went on to confirm even darker tones would be present throughout the new batch of episodes, with a “very, very disturbing” event already confirmed. When you look at what we’ve already been through in the first season of ‘Stranger Things’, this should do nothing to calm the nerves of those susceptible to horror sci-fi shows.
More: ‘Stranger Things’ Season 2 Will End With A Cliffhanger
‘Stranger Things’ season 1 is available now on Netflix, with season 2 scheduled to debut on October 31.