Watch These Rescued Tigers Turn Into Giant, Playful Cats When

von Jenna Mullins |  Jenna Mullins 19. Mai 2015 – 13:29

See this face?

That is the face of a very happy tiger. Lily used to be not very happy, and that will definitely make you feel very sad for a moment, but then just scroll back up and look at that GIF and remember that she’s very happy now.

Lily has the look of a very content tiger because her rescue enclosure just got a sweet new upgrade: an in-ground pool! Safe Haven Rescue Zoo in Nevada just put it in for Lily and her other tiger buddy Carli so they could experience swimming for the first time ever. Spoiler alert: they love it.

VIDEO: Rescued circus lion feels grass for the first time in 13 years

International Fund For Animal Welfare’s Kelly Donithan visited the tigers to see the special moment and document the big swim, and we hope your heart is ready for the onslaught of feels because look at the running and swimming and splashing and playing!

Doesn’t it make you want to get in there and frolic with them? Sure, they might maul your face off but it would still be worth it to see their joy up close!*

*probably not worth it because you can watch it from the safety of your computer. Please do not get into a pool of water with playful tigers.

(H/T Someecards)

Celebs with adorable animals!


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